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In the power generation industry, it is critical to act fast when problems arise. The response time of service providers needs to be as short as possible. Alimak has always been very responsive and available to our needs as customers saving us time, effort and money while ensuring safe and reliable operation of the lift.

Leopoldo Lirios, Plant Engineer Team Energy, the Philippines

Alimak has always delivered very high quality – it’s the Mercedes of industrial elevators.  

Through Alimak’s strong network of local service partners, we can get assistance much quicker than what we could get from any competitor. That has saved us a great amount of time and reduced our service costs. 

Mauro Brambilla, Project Manager CR International, Italy

I think that what really distinguishes Alimak from the competition is their great service and responsiveness. They are always available when we need them, and they always respond in a timely manner. This has saved us from inconvenient waiting time and project delays.  

In relation to their great availability, it is very easy to do business with them. Their knowledge level is high, and you can feel that they are well prepared when you have a meeting with them. For myself as a customer that is essential – to be able to trust the one you do business with. 

Jette Rasmussen, Strategic Sourcing Manager FLSmidth, Denmark